Content Marketing Blog – Page 11 – Fluxe Digital Marketing
email newsletter examples
Oct 17

9 Examples of Newsletters Subscribers Can’t Wait to Open

By Joel Widmer | Email Marketing & Automation

You know what’s one of the hardest parts of digital marketing?Reading reports like this:After painstakingly creating content, building lead magnets, optimizing forms, and ultimately capturing subscribers… Sometimes we lose them.We pour a lot of work and money into something that can vanish at any moment.Occasionally unsubscribers give a reason, but usually they leave our tribe […]

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Oct 03

How to Keep Your Marketing Consistent, Especially When You’re Busy

By Joel Widmer | Content Marketing , Email Marketing & Automation , Lead Generation

Have you heard the story of the ant and grasshopper?The grasshopper spent the summer romping through the field and playing music while the ant prepared for winter. When winter came, the ant sat cozy in his home, surrounded by food. The grasshopper went cold and hungry.Your version of the fable may be different, but the […]

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convert blog readers into email subscribers
Sep 12

21 Proven Techniques to Convert Blog Readers Into Email Subscribers

By Joel Widmer | Content Marketing , Email Marketing & Automation , Lead Generation

Growing an email list is a lot like raising a child.I can say that with certainty because I’m currently doing both.There are highs and lows, celebrations and disappointments, and periods of growth and plateaus.Some days are smooth because you have a semblance of control.Other days make you want to pull your hair out.And just like […]

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why internal blog isn't working
Aug 22

Why Your Internal Blog Just Isn’t Working (and How to Get on Track)

By Joel Widmer | Content Marketing , Increasing Traffic

In 2015, Australian government insurer icare was in disarray. Employee retention at the 284,000-person organization was plummeting, morale was in shambles, and the culture was a mess. Even worse: The government was investigating claims of workplace harassment and bullying. When Vivek Bhatia took over as CEO, he vowed to change all that. Part of his efforts to improve morale […]

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