Marketing Resources - Fluxe Digital Marketing

Marketing Resources

A collection of resources we have tested thoroughly and use regularly.

This is a list of the tools I have tested and use regularly in my business. I thought it would be helpful to give you for all your marketing and small business needs. I’m a tool fanatic so I’m always testing new tools to save me time or make my processes more efficient. I’m always adding and changing them so check back often!

Disclosure: Please note that some of these links are affiliate links which means I’ll earn commission from them at no extra cost to you. I don’t put any product that I haven’t tested and use regularly.

Mac Apps

  • Loom –  Loom is my go-to screen recording tool when I need to create a quick process or answer a technical question.  It allows you to instantly create screen recordings and instantly share or upload the video to Youtube.
  • Dropbox
  • Typeit4me –  This text expander is one of my favorite tools,  it’s saved me hours.  Check out my blog post tutorial and list of shortcuts to get started making.
  • F.lux–  Reduces eye fatigue on your computer by changing the color of the glow of your computer which is a lifesaver if you work at night.
  • Ji touch –  This app is for you if you love your Mac’s track pad and want to make it even faster. It is a shortcut creator for your track pad that allows you to create multi touch gestures for any shortcut. Some of my favorites are gestures for switching between tabs, opening and closing tabs and launching programs all from the track pad.
  • Evernote – I use Evernote to keep all of my clients content organized,  research new projects and everything in between.
  • Alfred –  Alfred is an app that lets you search any part of your Mac or online with shortcuts to get you anywhere fast.  It’s basically  replaced spotlight for me and the more I use it the more I love it because it gets to know your searches and predicts them for you faster each time.

Chrome Extensions

  • Evernote Clipper – This extension clips sections, entire pages or links of  any website I’m on and lets me categorize it in Evernote. Essential for any Evernote user.
  • Hootsuite Hootlet –  If you use HootSuite this is the perfect extension to tweet any page or blog post you’re on.
  • Save To Pocket –  This lets you save any article to Pocket, a free iPhone app.  Here’s the cool part, it strips away everything but the article to remove any distractions and you can read any article you say online on your iPhone. it also syncs for off-line reading. Great for planes!
  • Lastpass –  This manages most all of my passwords and auto fills password fields to make it easy to get in and out of sites.
  • Screen Capture by Google –  I use this extension to capture entire pages when CMD+SHIFT+4 doesn’t cut it. You can capture an entire page, annotate it and export the picture to your desktop.
  • HoverZoom  –   This super handy extension lets you enlarge images when you mouse over them. It works on most sites like Facebook, Amazon and most blogs.  It’s amazing for not having to open each image to enlarge it.


  • Yesware –  This is a great attachment for Gmail that allows you to create email templates and track your emails so you know when the sender opens and clicks on them.


  • HostGator – Easy setup and hosting for all my sites. I switched from 1&1 and will never look back!