Fluxe’s Best Resources, By Topic

Fluxe’s Best Resources, by Topic

By Joel Widmer | Tools & Resources

Feb 21
A man sits in a coffee shop and works on his content marketing strategy on his laptop with a latte close by.

Ever heard the phrase “Content is king”? I think it’s true… sort of.

While there’s no denying content marketing’s power — from drawing in organic leads for your business to establishing yourself as an industry leader — conceiving content for your blog is only one small piece of the process.

You also need to put thought into a content strategy, build and nurture an email list, and figure out what the heck “SEO” means.

While outsourcing to a content marketing agency can take the weight off your shoulders, maybe that isn’t in the cards for you at the moment. Regardless, you still shouldn’t have to do it alone.

That’s why we’re here to help.

Below is a list of our top resources — our “greatest hits,” if you will — organized into the logical steps of the customer journey. It’s a low-stress, DIY means for you to identify and fill holes in your content marketing process, whether you’re brand new to the content marketing game or your blog is celebrating its 10th anniversary.

Quote: Fluxe’s Best Resources, by Topic

Content Strategy 101

Content Strategy 201 (More Advanced)

Blog Creation (Foundational Concepts)

Content Creation & Writing

SEO (Keywords & Implementation)

Thought Leadership

Educating Your Audience

Building & Nurturing Your Email List

Improving Conversions


About the Author

Joel Widmer is the Founder & CEO of Fluxe Digital Marketing—a content marketing shop that helps smart businesses create, produce and promote their content through a unique one-on-one interview process. When he’s not working, Joel can be found trying new restaurants with his wife, son, and daughter.

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