20+ Best Small Business and Marketing YouTube Channels

22 Best Small Business and Marketing YouTube Channels

By Joel Widmer | Content Marketing

Dec 04

It’s a little known fact that a small percentage of YouTube channels actually contain useful content that can help your business.

And you thought it was all funny cat videos…

This is a roundup of those special few channels that WON’T waste your precious time. These are 22 of the best channels for small businesses and marketers. Check them out and subscribe to the ones you enjoy!


Mindvalley Insights

Let’s start with my new favorite YouTube channel first. Mindvalley’s channel has recorded talks they give at their company and practical marketing tutorials. An excellent resource for small businesses.


Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is the author of the 4 Hour books, his biggest being the 4 Hour Workweek.  His channel is a mix of topics related to each of his books. You can see the progression through the videos. There are lots of good talks, experiments and how-to’s. My favorite videos are the Random Show he does with Kevin Rose, which are just that.

Derek Halpern

Derek Halpern runs a blog called Social Triggers and tests EVERYTHING before he recommends it. He blogs and talks about where psychology and business meet.


Noah Kagan

Noah Kagan doesn’t try to make well produced videos, in fact it looks like the opposite. Which is why I love them. He talks a lot about mindset, marketing and running a business. Very motivational and most videos are just a few minutes long.


Kevin Rose 

Kevin Rose’s channel includes interviews, raccoon throwing and the main reason I watch it, The Random Show with Tim Ferriss.

Marie TV

Marie Forleo is nuts. Which makes her channel a lot of fun to watch and so entertaining you don’t realize you learned a few things along the way. Lot’s on Entreprenuership, motivation and interviews with other well known bloggers.

Jonathan Fields

Jonathan has a web tv show called the Good Life Project where he interviews leaders and gets in depth with them. Great content and beautifully produced videos.

Rise To The Top

David Siteman Garland has a more popular podcast with the same name but here he does quick videos and tips on success habits and product reviews/tutorials.

Ramit Sethi

Ramit is behind the insanely popular blog, I Will Teach You To Be Rich. He talks about money, business and principles that can be applied to anyone’s financial situation.

Laura Roeder

Laura is a Social Media Consultant and gives insanely practical advice for small businesses using social media.

Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma is all about leadership. His videos include thoughts and lessons on all things leadership.

James Wedmore

Jame’s channel focuses on all things video and YouTube marketing. Great resource for strategies on how to grow your YouTube channel.

Pando Daily

The Pando Daily Channel includes lots of interviews and chats with well known entrepreneurs, a few product reviews and conference coverage.


The inbound marketing agency, Hubspot has a ton of good content on their Youtube channel, though a lot of it is promoting their software. Content includes video of Keynotes, marketing updates and interviews.

TED Talks

The TED channel is comprised of incredible 18minute talks from some of the world’s greatest leaders.

Google Analytics

The Google Analytics channel has 162 free videos on everything related to analytics and how they tie into your business. Great free resource!


Moz is a company that provides SEO software. They also have excellent content on their Youtube channel. They have short tutorial videos, conference recaps and lots of small business advice.

Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn’s videos are based around his blog, Smart Passive Income. Lots of great tutorials on blogging, podcasting, mindset and web traffic from a genuinely good guy.

James Reynolds

James is a super smart guy and runs a great marketing agency out of Dubai. His channel is a great resource for quick updates on the latest changes in search marketing.

Chris Ducker

Chris’s channel is the go-to resource for everything outsourcing. Tons of practical advice on hiring, managing and working with virtual assistants.

Harvard Business Review

The HBR channel aggregates content from all of their brands on topics ranging from business to leadership and current news.

Google+ Your Business

If you’re a small business that wants to show up on Google, you’re going to have questions. The Google Biz channel cover FAQ’s, tips and explanations of their products for small businesses like Adwords, search and Google+.


About the Author

Joel Widmer is the Founder & CEO of Fluxe Digital Marketing—a content marketing shop that helps smart businesses create, produce and promote their content through a unique one-on-one interview process. When he’s not working, Joel can be found trying new restaurants with his wife, son, and daughter.

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(1) comment

I am surprised you didn’t list the YouTube Channel that I have built for a client. Currently it’s called Eddie Hutton, but I am trying to change the name to Interstate AC Service. Have you ever changed the name of a YouTube Channel?

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