As a thought leader, you make bold claims and voice strong opinions about how your prospects should achieve their desired outcomes.
Then, your content supports those claims, showing your audience you know what you’re talking about.
But this only works if the content itself is credible. Credible content builds brand credibility.
In this post, I’ll give you a checklist of seven ways your content can build credibility with your readers.
1. Show, Don’t Tell, With Visuals
Clarity and credibility go hand in hand. Sometimes, it’s easier to convey an idea by showing a graphic, comparison, drawing, or chart than by writing it out.
![Infographic: [REFRESH] 7 Ways to Boost Your Blog Content’s Credibility](
2. Include Case Studies
Case studies are extremely effective when prospects need to compare your product or service to your competitor’s. Case studies also build trust when you make specific claims about a product or service.
If you refer to a single case study in different blog posts, don’t include the entire case study in each post. Avoid duplicate content, which Google hates, by hosting it on a separate page you can link to.
Check out our step-by-step guide for tips on creating powerful case studies.
3. Cite Your Sources
Spikes in fake news have made readers more meticulous than ever in deciphering fiction from reality.
I’m sure you wouldn’t intentionally cite a fake article as a source, but I’m referring to the gray area: studies with a curiously small sample size or reports with questionable motives.
Here are a few great examples (and my source!):
- The study that found cranberry juice cures UTIs was funded by Ocean Spray.
- The study that claimed diet soda helps you lose weight was funded by Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
- The study that said chocolate is a superfood was funded by Mars, the maker of Snickers and Twix.
Use multiple sources to verify your facts, and give credit where credit’s due.
4. Don’t Skimp on the Details
The average first-page Google search result contains 1,890 words, according to a study performed by Backlinko. Google loves in-depth content, and so do your readers.
I’m not saying you should publish long, tangent-heavy blog posts just to hit a word count. That’s not the takeaway here. Rather, covering your topic in detail — but with a simple structure — wins readers over and increases your authority in Google’s eyes.
5. Proofread for Grammar and Spelling
Did you know poor grammar affects your website conversions?
- In one study, 1,003 people were asked what was most likely to damage their opinion of a brand on social media. The largest group (42%) said poor grammar and spelling.
- Websites with well-written reviews have better conversions, according to TripAdvisor and Amazon.
- Matt Cutts noted that higher-ranking websites have good spelling and grammar.
If proofreading isn’t your strong suit, hire a proofreader or editor to look at your web pages and content before you publish. (First, learn what to look for when hiring an editor.)
Some great editing tools make the job easier if you’d rather do it yourself. We’re big fans of ProWritingAid and Grammarly (and their Chrome extensions!).
6. Take a Stand
Most people think sharing a strong opinion will alienate a portion of potential readers.
They’re right… especially when it comes to controversial topics outside their field of expertise. But strong opinions are gold when it comes to topics within your profession or expertise.
Great content marketing builds relationships. Anyone can regurgitate facts; a blog post that reads like a research paper won’t win your audience over. (Plus, they’ll never finish it!) You may not be the first person to write about a topic, but you’re the only one with your unique experiences and views on that topic.
Your opinion helps readers relate to you and your company. Your content has the power to connect with people on a level no one else can.
It’s not about finding a topic that’s never been written about. (Good luck doing that.) It’s about bringing your unique perspective to topics your audience finds interesting.
7. Stick to One Topic per Article
When someone gets lost or confused reading your article online, they don’t start over or ask for clarification. They just leave.
Keep yourself on track by treating your headline as a promise. It should tell the reader, “This is what you’ll get if you read this post.” You’re probably trying to say too much if you can’t fit that promise into 70–100 characters or six to eight words. (Great! That means you have enough content for two blog posts.)
No one looks like an expert when dancing around multiple topics in a single blog post. Our attention spans are too short for that. So, instead of going wide with your topic and risking a vague, boring article, go deep.
Get specific and thoroughly cover one topic at a time.
Final Thoughts on Credible Content
Remember, credible content builds trust with your audience and enhances your brand’s authority in your field.
As you create your next piece of content, use the above checklist to ensure you’re delivering value that solidifies your position as a trusted thought leader. You’ll improve your search engine rankings and foster stronger connections with your audience.
![Quote: [REFRESH] 7 Ways to Boost Your Blog Content’s Credibility](