9 Practical Tips for Writing a Smarter, High-Converting About Page

Practical Tips for Writing

I’m willing to bet your About page is one of the top 10 pages on your website (top 5 if it’s a small site). My About page is the 9th most viewed page on my site, even though I have approximately 100 pages of content. 

Sadly, most About pages are dead-ends with a bunch of jargon. But what if you could turn yours into one of the highest converting pages on your site?

Your About page has two goals:

It should tell your story in a way that explains the benefits of your product/service. And it should move visitors to the next step in your funnel (your call-to-action).

Does your About page do both those things? If not, use this handy 9-point checklist to turn your About page around!

1. Tell YOUR story. 

Your blog content may be resourceful and actionable, but your About page is an opportunity to tell your story. If a head of lettuce at Costco can tell their story, so can you. How did you start? Why did you start? What challenges did you face? How do you help your customers the most?

2. State your value proposition. 

Your value proposition is a clear statement of who you help, how you help, and how the customer benefits. Add it to the top of the page so your customers know they’re in the right place. 

3. Use real faces. 

Faces humanize a brand. They add trust and authenticity. Show your readers that you’re a real company with real people. (Not hanging out with stock photos or a wall of text.)

4. Focus on the benefits. 

This may sound counter intuitive, but your About page isn’t really about you. It’s about what you do for the customer. Features don’t matter nearly as much as what the customer gets out of it all. Use more “you’s” than “I’s.” Think beyond the obvious. How does your product/service change your customer? (Click here for a great guide to help you with that.)

5. Stay out of the weeds. 

Avoid getting bogged down by details. This isn’t the place to walk the reader through your entire offering. Stick to your story and the benefits. 

Tips for High Converting About Page

6. Let your customers speak for you. 

Use social proof (testimonials, reviews, etc.) to signal that you’ve helped other people in the past. Faces of your customers and their business logos can add authenticity. 

Skip the stock photos. Use custom images, gifs and videos that represent your company and brand. Don’t be afraid to go behind-the-scenes. 

Some people like to email or complete a form. Some like to make a quick phone call. Be sure to give them options.

End your page with a clear call-to-action that directs readers to take the next step on your website. That may be…

  • Visiting your case study page
  • Signing up for your email list
  • Learning more about your services by requesting a PDF
  • Scheduling a call for a free strategy session

So… What’s your score? How many of these are you already doing and which ones do you have left? Now you know exactly what you need to do.

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