Fluxe Medical Marketing

Unlock your expertise
grow your practice

We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with running a membership-based medical practice. We’re here to help you unlock your full potential and take your practice to new heights through digital marketing.

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Why Concierge practices choose Fluxe?

From solo practitioners to multi-physician, multi-location practices, we’ve helped concierge medical practices of all sizes achieve their goals. Here’s why they trust us:

How we help you grow

We know that growth in concierge medicine isn’t just about adding more members. It’s about:

  1. Attracting Quality Members
  2. Improving Business Efficiencies
  3. Enhancing Patient Care
  4. Scaling Sustainably

Our digital marketing strategies help you achieve all of these goals without sacrificing the personalized care that sets you apart.

The Fluxe Approach to Concierge Medical Marketing

We believe in a comprehensive, content-driven approach to marketing your practice.

1. Strategic Content Creation

We transform your expertise into valuable content that educates and attracts prospective patients.

2. Patient Journey Optimization

We craft content for every stage of the patient journey, from awareness to long-term retention.

3. Thought Leadership Positioning

We establish you as a leader in concierge medicine, enhancing your reputation and appeal.

4. Digital Presence Enhancement:

We optimize your website and online profiles to attract and convert high-quality prospects.

5. Member Retention Strategies

We develop content that keeps your current members engaged and loyal.

“I quickly realized that what I was doing was working so well when done correctly, that I was finding conflict with whether to do more of what I was doing to get more patients, or to take care of the patients that were coming in the door. That’s when Fluxe seamlessly came into my world and not only took over what I was doing, giving me my time back, but did it better. They allowed me to multiply my efforts, so that I could ultimately take care of not only more people, but take care of my people better.”

A headshot of Aaron Wenzel, Owner of Brentwood MD.

Dr. Aaron Wenzel

Owner, Brentwood MD
Ready to

Elevate Your Concierge Practice?

Let’s start with a roadmap for your practice’s growth. Our Content Strategy Roadmap session will: