How to Find Your Unique Content Creation Style


If you’re a creator, you can’t not create. It’s like oxygen.

The frustrating part is finding just the right way to open up that channel so your creative process flows, and the final output reflects who you are. 

Many people imagine that creating content means sitting in front of a blank document on their laptop, waiting for some kind of inspiration to appear – but that’s for amateurs.

When you have a responsibility to create consistent content, you need to show up and create even when inspiration isn’t knocking at the door. 

The good news is you can optimize content creation just like any other process. Think of it this way: You probably already have a morning routine, a specific way you prepare for meetings and a unique leadership style you’ve developed over the years. You’ve found what works best for the results you want. 

Imagine if you were forced to follow someone else’s morning routine. You’re an early riser, but they wake up late. You work out in the morning, they don’t. You drink coffee, they drink chai lattes. 

It’d make for a miserable day, right? You’d be exhausted by the time you got to work from fighting the process every morning!  

I see a lot of super smart people doing this with their content creation approach. They’re trying to force someone else’s content creation routine on themselves.

Then, when they miss content deadlines, they say things like… 

  • I’m not a writer
  • I didn’t have the time, maybe next week
  • I’m no good in front of the camera
  • I tried it, but it didn’t work
  • I spent an hour and only wrote two paragraphs 

If you’ve said any of those things, it’s probably because you haven’t tapped into your most natural creation style. 

Over the last decade, my team and I have interviewed hundreds of business owners and created thousands of pieces of content from those conversations.

We started to notice patterns in the people we talked to. When it comes to creating content and sharing ideas, everyone has approaches that are more natural to them than others. 

Below are the four Content Creation Styles I’ve seen the most, along with their strengths, challenges, and the types of content that lend themselves most to that creation style. 

NOTE: This is by no means a comprehensive list! In fact, it’s far from finished. But my goal isn’t for this to be perfect, it’s to share it with you, get your feedback, and use that to expand on and improve it. 

It’s also worth noting that most people aren’t just one of these styles but can be a mix of 2 or 3 creation styles!

Translating your unique qualities to the written word requires a bit of self-examination. It’s worth it because it’ll make creating content effortless, and when the process is easy, the result is a message filled with meaning that gives you the results you seek. 

The 4 Content Creation Styles 

The Conversationalist 

You’re the type of person who despises the writing process but thrives in conversation with other people. Being a great listener and reading subtle cues come easily to you. Asking probing questions and challenging entrenched ideas is your idea of a productive conversation. 

People often comment that they derive a ton of value from what you say. As a creator, this is your zone of genius. 

You may be a Conversationalist if you answer “Yes” to these questions: 
  • Do you do well under pressure? 
  • Are you extroverted?
  • Will you thrive off real-time feedback and interaction?
  • Do you ask a lot of questions?
  • Are you personable and photogenic?
Conversationalist Content Strengths:

These types of content may come more natural to you than others.

  • Video 
  • Webinars 
  • Training sessions 
  • Interviews 
  • Podcasts 
  • Public speaking

The Teacher

If you find yourself most comfortable in an instructive frame of mind, if you feel most effective when you’re teaching someone something new, and if your thought process is linear and circumspect, then consider yourself an instructional communicator. 

You may be a Teacher if you answer “Yes: to these questions:
  • Do you enjoy simplifying and communicating complex ideas to others? 
  • Are you comfortable giving praise and recognition? 
  • Can you help team members act positively toward one another?
  • Are you overly prepared? 
  • Do you provide clear expectations? 
Teacher Content Strengths:

These types of content may come more natural to you than others.

  • Training content 
  • SOP’s and tutorials 
  • Courses 
  • Videos 
  • Speaking / keynotes 
  • Templates, Frameworks, and Checklists 
  • Slideshows
  • Events

4-content-creation-styles Content Creation Style Quiz

Discover Your Content Creation Style

Next [tcb-script] const questions = [ { text: “Do you thrive in conversations and enjoy real-time feedback?”, style: “conversationalist” }, { text: “Are you comfortable speaking in front of an audience or camera?”, style: “conversationalist” }, { text: “Do you enjoy simplifying complex ideas and creating tutorials?”, style: “teacher” }, { text: “Are you often praised for your clear explanations?”, style: “teacher” }, { text: “Do you feel most comfortable expressing ideas through writing?”, style: “writer” }, { text: “Do you enjoy the process of crafting and refining written content?”, style: “writer” }, { text: “Are you great at researching and compiling information from various sources?”, style: “curator” }, { text: “Do you enjoy spotting trends and connecting different pieces of information?”, style: “curator” } ]; let currentQuestion = 0; const styles = { conversationalist: 0, teacher: 0, writer: 0, curator: 0 }; function displayQuestion() { const quizDiv = document.getElementById(‘quiz’); const question = questions[currentQuestion]; quizDiv.innerHTML = ` <div> <p>${currentQuestion + 1}. ${question.text}</p> <div> <label><input type=”radio” name=”q${currentQuestion}” value=”yes”> Yes</label> <label><input type=”radio” name=”q${currentQuestion}” value=”no”> No</label> </div> </div> `; } function nextQuestion() { const selected = document.querySelector(`input[name=”q${currentQuestion}”]:checked`); if (selected) { if (selected.value === ‘yes’) { styles[questions[currentQuestion].style]++; } currentQuestion++; if (currentQuestion < questions.length) { displayQuestion(); updateProgressBar(); } else { showResult(); } } else { alert(“Please select an answer before proceeding.”); } } function updateProgressBar() { const progress = document.getElementById(‘progress’); const percentage = (currentQuestion / questions.length) * 100; = `${percentage}%`; } function showResult() { const quizDiv = document.getElementById(‘quiz’); const resultDiv = document.getElementById(‘result’); const nextBtn = document.getElementById(‘nextBtn’); quizDiv.classList.add(‘hidden’); nextBtn.classList.add(‘hidden’); resultDiv.classList.remove(‘hidden’); const maxStyle = Object.keys(styles).reduce((a, b) => styles[a] > styles[b] ? a : b); const secondStyle = Object.keys(styles).filter(style => style !== maxStyle).reduce((a, b) => styles[a] > styles[b] ? a : b); const styleDescriptions = { conversationalist: “You thrive in dynamic, interactive environments. Consider creating video content, podcasts, or live streaming.”, teacher: “You excel at breaking down complex ideas. Focus on creating tutorials, courses, or explanatory content.”, writer: “Your strength lies in written expression. Blog posts, ebooks, and long-form articles are great options for you.”, curator: “You have a talent for gathering and synthesizing information. Create listicles, curated collections, or trend reports.” }; resultDiv.innerHTML = ` <h3>Your Content Creation Style Profile</h3> <p>Primary style: <strong>${maxStyle.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + maxStyle.slice(1)}</strong></p> <p>${styleDescriptions[maxStyle]}</p> <p>Secondary style: <strong>${secondStyle.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + secondStyle.slice(1)}</strong></p> <p>${styleDescriptions[secondStyle]}</p> <p>Remember, most content creators blend multiple styles. Leverage your strengths and experiment with different content types to find what works best for you and your audience!</p> `; } displayQuestion(); [/tcb-script]

The Writer 

The vast majority of people who write are not necessarily gifted in the craft. They work at it. All the time. If you find yourself agonizing over a preposition at the end of a sentence, if you move paragraphs around in your head, and if you have a special affinity for the clicking of a keyboard, then your natural content creation approach might be writing. 

You may be a Teacher if you answer “Yes” to these questions: 
  • Are you methodical?
  • Do you feel comfortable within a process where you research, outline, write, edit, etc.?
  • Can you think concepts through more efficiently if you write everything down? 
  • Would you rather be alone than working through a concept with someone else? 
  • Do you enjoy the process of writing?
Writer Content Strengths

These types of content may come more natural to you than others.  

  • Blog Posts
  • eBooks
  • Email sequences
  • Social media copy
  • Website copy

The Curator

The word curator is so painfully overused these days, that it’s rare to see it used properly. But when harnessed, it’s an incredibly powerful skill. 

If you’re great at pulling together lots of info and making sense of it, if you tap into your network and glean wisdom from myriad sources, if you research every piece of new information that comes your way, and if detective shows are your thing, consider yourself a curator. You are a creative researcher who can access the right resource at the right time for the right thing. 

You may be a Curator if you answer “Yes” to these questions:
  • Do you have a place for everything and everything in its place?
  • Can you recall conversations impeccably?
  • Are you great at spotting trends, holes, and common threads in multiple pieces of content or information? 
  • Are facts and figures a comfort to you?
  • Does forecasting trends come easily to you?
  • Would you describe yourself as an information hoarder? (in a good way)
  • Do you love sharing great new resources you’ve found with others? 
Curator Content Strengths

These types of content may come more natural to you than others.  

  • Lists
  • Anthologies
  • Case Studies
  • White Papers
  • Social media content 
  • Course organization 
  • Compilations 
  • Inspiration 
  • Best practices 
  • Templates, Frameworks, and Checklists 

Challenges For Each Creation Style

Every personality has strengths and things you’re not as good at. These are opportunities to find and surround yourself with people who can fill those gaps. 

Here are a few examples of challenges each creation style may face: 

  • The Conversationalist is probably not well suited to patient, detailed work. 
  • The Teacher may not be particularly spontaneous.
  • The Writer might be thin skinned and require lots of approval. 
  • The Curator might have a hard time relinquishing control. 

If you and your team are aware of all the strengths and shortcomings of each individual creator you get to work alongside, Minor flare-ups, or frustrations will simply become a natural part of the creative process. A process that will become so much better once everyone knows what makes them uniquely qualified to produce amazing content.

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