Getting Ranked in Google is just the Icing on the Cake

Getting Ranked in Google is just the Icing on the Cake

By Joel Widmer | Content Marketing

Nov 30

InboundHound, a search marketing blog, recently posted a blog titled “1st page in Google: a bonus, not a business model“.  We couldn’t agree more.  Getting ranked in Google is certainly an important part of a digital marketing strategy,  but it’s only a part.

In our recent blog post, we highlighted just what Google is doing each month to make ranking just that much harder and how Google’s Algorithm is affecting your site right now.

Are you designing a strategy around getting ranked or building authority? This question is also the answer — Building authority will lead to getting ranked!

5 Ways to create a REAL Search Strategy

1. Build Authority through Guest Posting

Your expertise has gotten you to where you are now in your career — But perhaps your website is not currently getting you a high amount of readers to hear your thoughts.

Guest posting is a way to build authority and drive traffic from someone elses platform. It is also a great way to say “I’m not hogging all of my content just for myself”.

When you can combine guest blogging with consistent kickoff posts on your own blog, you will begin to see the cycle of new traffic, a higher authority website and potentially new clients.

2. Create Kickoff Post on Your Website

Content marketing is continuing to be a way Google looks at your website to establish you as an authoritative website. You potential customers are searching for your content each day and you need to make sure that you’re creating it for them.

The freshness algorithm by Google was established to look at “fresh” content on the web. If you continue to blog actively, you will begin to see the fruits of that through search engine placement.

Develop a steady posting schedule and you will be able to find your groove in no time. Many of our clients find that they are better at telling us their content instead of writing it which is where we get the term “kickoff posts” from.

3. Use Social Media to Share your Content

Social media and search engines have been moving closer and closer to one platform over the past couple of years. The beauty of this is that your content now has a variety of places to live online.

Have you ever felt like you don’t have anything to share on your social media channels? A simple way to begin populating your channels is by sharing your content from your blog and guest blogs.

This is another great way to distribute your messaging and build relationships.

4. Focus on your Offline Strategy

If you’ve been in business then you probably have strong following of clients that have identified you as an expert. Ask yourself, “What have I done to build this business?” Getting ranked on Google may not be on the top of your list.

It’s important to realize that many of us have built a business without having a #1 Ranked keyword in Google. Over the years, we’ve been taught that if you’re ranked #1 for a bunch of keywords then you’ll get free traffic and potentially clients.

We’re not discounting that you need to be ranked to build a certain type of traffic.

5. Don’t Focus on the Rankings

The importance of rankings really only become important once you start receiving organic traffic from the specific keywords. If you continue to check everyday to see if your keyword has bounced up to the top placement, you’re wasting your time.

Your goal should be to continue to create valuable content for your customers. This means that if you’re creating ways for your customers to find value in you, then you’re spending your time wisely.

Lastly, you need to look at your content as a way to build relationships. We’ve seen people get clients from just blogging and sharing on social media far more than being ranked in Google.

So what does this mean for you?

Putting all of your eggs in the Google ranking basket will only lead to frustration. Trying to keep an eye on your rankings is not a bad thing, but when you begin to obsess about it then the strategy begins to unravel.

  Image by Carlos Madrigal


About the Author

Joel Widmer is the Founder & CEO of Fluxe Digital Marketing—a content marketing shop that helps smart businesses create, produce and promote their content through a unique one-on-one interview process. When he’s not working, Joel can be found trying new restaurants with his wife, son, and daughter.

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