19 Ideas For Your Next Blog Post

This is an excerpt of a blog post that I wrote for the Mindset of Networking blog. Click here to read the entire post.

Have you been wanting to write more? Maybe on your blog, a guest post on someone elses blog or a newsletter? Not sure what to write about or how to get started?

Use these 19 easy templates as a starting point to get writing!

Biggest questions you want prospects to ask

What questions should your prospects be asking that you know will set you apart from your competition? Your prospects may not know what to ask so why not give them the right questions to ask to help make the best decision? For example,

“6 questions you need to ask before considering [Your Service]”

Tell a story

Do you have a story you always find yourself telling to people you meet to help explain your business? Turn it into an interesting way to describe a part of your business while relating personally to your audience.

Opinion on Relevant News

Have you ever scanned through the paper and had a strong opinion on a news story in your industry? Write a post sharing that opinion, good or bad, but relate it back to principles that are timeless so your post won’t become outdated in a week.

How To…

This type of post was MADE for blogging. Take a confusing topic in your industry and break it into 7-10 steps and walk people through it. The key is short, consumable information.

5 Biggest Questions about…

Go through your email and find a handful of questions your clients have asked you a few times. Chances are you answered them in a flash without thinking about it. If they are asking several times, more people are sure to have the same questions. Turn those into an FAQ post!

Existing Content

What do you already have internally that you can re-purpose? Make a list of things you have like ebooks, white papers, presentation decks, notes from conferences and manuals and re-purpose them in a way that would be captivating for your audience.  .

Click here to read the rest of the post and get 13 more ways to create a great blog post!

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